

Really Good Stuff Jeu de société Trio Idée Principale - Récapitulat

Really Good Stuff Jeu de société Trio Idée Principale - Récapitulat

Comprehension Game Trio: Main Idea, Summary, and Inference

Stuff Sort: Goods Triple Match – Applications sur Google Play

JEU TRIO (FR) - JEUX DE SOCIÉTÉ / Adultes (général)

Really Good Stuff® Comprehension Game Trio: Cause And Effect, Fact Or Opinion and Context Clues - Grades 2-3 - 3 games

Comprehension Game Trio: Main Idea, Summary, and Inference

Use any of three card decks with any of three fun board games to practice key comprehension skills. Each deck has 50 brief yet substantial passages with multiple-choice questions. Differentiate by skill, game board, literature/informational text, and independent reading levels; the dice icons on the cards indicate complexity, and slides, ladders, and bonuses add excitement. For 100% active engagement, all players answer on each turn.

Comprehension Game Trio: Cause and Effect, Fact or Opinion and Context Clues - Grades 4-5 - 3 Games, White

Really Good Stuff® Comprehension Game Trio: Cause And Effect, Fact Or Opinion and Context Clues

Jeux de société pour les 3 - 4 ans - Lucky Sophie blog famille voyage

12 jeux de société pour un «party déconfiné!»